8:30 pm20:30


  • Cité de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ayant signé auparavant un remarquable Rain Dogs Revisited, David Coulter s’empare à présent de Swordfishtrombones, autre opus majeur de Tom Waits, et en offre une libre réinterprétation avec un imposant casting international.

Album-charnière dans le parcours de Tom Waits, sorti en 1983, Swordfishtrombones voit le baladin américain à la voix rocailleuse s’éloigner du jazz-blues tamisé de ses débuts pour s’aventurer sur un territoire musical beaucoup plus remuant et expérimental. Enregistré avec un instrumentarium hétéroclite (guitares, piano, cuivres, marimbas, percussions diverses, cloches, harmonica de verre, chaise…), il semble provenir d’un orchestre fantomatique oscillant entre cabaret déviant, rock chancelant, blues hoquetant et jazz planant. Multi-instrumentiste anglais au riche background, qui a collaboré avec Tom Waits sur The Black Rider, David Coulter orchestre une ample variation scénique autour de Swordfishtrombones conférant un éclat neuf à cet album ensorcelant.

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7:30 pm19:30


  • National Concert Hall Dublin 2 D02 N527 Ireland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Following on from his remarkable interpretation of Rain Dogs in 2011, British multi-instrumentalist David Coulter now turns to another major opus by Tom Waits, with an impressive team of musicians and special guests - LA singer and performance artist Dorian Wood, acclaimed Australian singer-songwriter Sarah Blasko, Mercury Prize nominee Nadine Shah and much-acclaimed folk singer Lisa O’Neill. We are also delighted to add American singer and songwriter Matthew E. White to the line-up.


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4:00 pm16:00

JIM JARMUSCH REVISITED (With Mulatu Astatke, Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand), Camille O’Sullivan, Jolie Holland, Sam Amidon)

Jim Jarmusch has said that his films are inspired by music, that the albums he listens to before writing a screenplay give him his ideas and suggest the direction to go in. David Coulter steps inside this musical landscape, coloured by artists such as John Lurie, Mulatu Astatke, and Tom Waits, and of course Sqürl.


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8:30 pm20:30

JIM JARMUSCH REVISITED (With Mulatu Astatke, Alex Kapranos (Franz Ferdinand), Camille O’Sullivan, Jolie Holland, Sam Amidon)

Jim Jarmusch has said that his films are inspired by music, that the albums he listens to before writing a screenplay give him his ideas and suggest the direction to go in. David Coulter steps inside this musical landscape, coloured by artists such as John Lurie, Mulatu Astatke, and Tom Waits, and of course Sqürl.


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8:00 pm20:00

AN ANATOMY ACT: A Show and Tell By Anna Furse / Athletes Of The Heart


With new original soundtrack by David Coulter and Live Saw by Henry Dagg

Conflating her roles as a theatre director, writer, and Professor, this unique event has Furse giving a vivid animated lecture on Anatomy, accompanied by haunting saw playing and illuminating video. The Anatomy Theatres of Renaissance Europe were the horror movies of their day – full of blood, guts, morality and human drama. The public gawped in fear and fascination at the criminal cadaver being doubly punished before their eyes.  Furse takes this idea and runs with it, taking us on a journey of discovery to contemplate our bodies, dead or alive, as she segues from personal loss to the circulation of the blood, from Elizabeth 1 to Lady Gaga. This performance wants to make us think about the meaning of life, why we fear death, and invites us to spend a little time to reflect on our heart and souls – and assert exactly where our liver is.


Place: Project Arts Centre, Cube

Date: Wed 30 Nov (PREVIEW) + Thurs 01 Dec (PREMIER)

Time: 8.00pm (DOUBLE BILL #1)

Tickets: €14/12 PREVIEW + €8 PREMIER

(on November 30, this performance is part of DOUBLE BILL #1 with Just Like A Woman both events are included in the ticket price)

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12:30 pm12:30

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

In Dreams : David Lynch Revisited rassemble un incroyable casting de musiciens et de chanteurs pour réinterpréter des chansons devenues des classiques.
Plongez-vous dans l’ambiance et l’atmosphère de l’univers de Lynch, balisé par les repères instrumentaux de ses films tout en découvrant de nouvelles versions des chansons, réalisées par une superbe orchestration dirigée par le directeur musical David Coulter, ancien musicien des mythiques The Pogues et de Test Dept avant de participer à de nombreux projets aux côtés de Damon Albarn, Nick Cave, Peter Hammil, Tom Waits ou Joe Strummer.
Pour In Dreams : David Lynch Revisited, il sera entouré sur scène de Stuart Staples de Tindersticks, du duo américano japonais Cibo Mato, de Mick Harvey le fidèle guitariste de Nick Cave, de Conor O’ Brien chanteur charismatique des Villagers, de Jehnny Beth du groupe Savages, de la chanteuse australienne Sophia Brous et du trio de Liverpool Stealing Sheep.


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8:00 am08:00

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

Depuis Eraserhead en 1977, jusqu’aux bandes originales d’Angelo Badalamenti pour Twin Peaks ou Mulholland Drive, David Lynch n’a cessé de convoquer la musique ou le son en réinventant leur place au cinéma.

Difficile d’oublier la scène du vénéneux Blue Velvet dans laquelle Dean Stockwell chante en playback In Dreams de Roy Orbison. C’est en fait toute l’œuvre de David Lynch qui est indissociable de la matière musicale, qu’elle vienne d’un certain patrimoine pop(ulaire) ou des partitions du compositeur Angelo Badalamenti pour Sailor & Lula, Twin Peaks, Lost Highway ou bien encore Mulholland Drive. Musique pure, effets sonores ou bruitages, Lynch convoque tous les sons, tous les bruits. Après avoir signé de beaux concerts-hommages à Tom Waits et John Lennon et Yoko Ono notamment, David Coulter revisitera cette fois l’univers fascinant du cinéaste américain pour magnifier cette relation à part qu’il entretient avec la musique. Épaulé par un beau casting vocal, il s’accaparera les œuvres de Badalamenti comme le songbook lynchien des chansons de David Bowie, Chris Isaak, Jimmy Scott et bien évidemment Roy Orbison. Un concert construit comme un rêve.


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12:00 pm12:00

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

In Dreams immerses the audience into the mood and atmosphere of Lynch’s universe, with landmark instrumental tracks and exciting new versions of songs from his films, performed by a superb band assembled and led by musical director David Coulter.


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12:00 pm12:00

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

From the romantic songs of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, to the violence of iconic scenes in Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart or Lost Highway, sound is a vital component of David Lynch’s films – it’s in the wind, in the air, and in the people’s thoughts; his carefully chosen songs conveying his characters’ mental states.


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DISCREET + OBLIQUE: The Music Of Brian Eno
11:30 am11:30

DISCREET + OBLIQUE: The Music Of Brian Eno

1975 saw the release of Brian Eno’s pioneering album Discreet Music, a landmark in the development what he came to refer to as ‘ambient music’. To mark the album’s 40th anniversary, musical directors Leo Abrahams and David Coulter have devised a richly-imaginative live performance of this breathtaking work.

With Discreet and Oblique they aim to create an authentic recreation of Eno’s original concept, recreating Discreet Music’s shimmering, beautiful textures, while also suggesting ways that it can develop musically.

A specially-assembled ensemble - electronic musician Benge, saxophonist John Harle, violinist Emma Smith, cellist Oliver Coates and experimental jazz trio The Necks – will incorporate original equipment, including EMS synthesiser and Eno’s ‘Frippertronic’ tape looping system, to summon a unique realisation of Discreet Music’s magical sound-world.

Eno’s original liner notes for Discreet Music described ‘a new way of hearing music – as part of the ambience of the environment, just as the colour of the light and the sound of the rain were parts of that ambience’. This concert performance – incorporating various visual and sonic surprises – aims to pay tribute to, and give new life to, that initial, incredibly fertile vision.

Please note that Brian Eno is not performing.

Long-time Eno associate and fellow ambient pioneer Laraaji will give a post-show performance of his ‘celestial music” on the Barbican clubstage.

Leo Abrahams music director
David Coulter music director
Benge electronics / synth
Emma Smith violin
Oliver Coates cello
John Harle clarinet
The Necks

Part of Transcender
Part of Contemporary Music events

Discreet + Oblique: The Music of Brian Eno was commissioned for Supersense: Festival of the Ecstatic, presented by Arts Centre Melbourne 7-9 August 2015.

Produced by the Barbican.

Part of Transcender.

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DISCREET + OBLIQUE: The Music Of Brian Eno
1:00 pm13:00

DISCREET + OBLIQUE: The Music Of Brian Eno

Discreet + Oblique: The Music of Brian Eno

Feat. The Necks, Leo Abrahams, David Coulter, Golden Fur, Matthew Brown (UK/AUS)
World Premiere

1975 saw the release of Brian Eno’s pioneering album Discreet Music, a landmark in the development that he came to refer to as ‘ambient music’. To mark the album's fortieth Anniversary, musical directors Leo Abrahams (Brian Eno, Pulp, Jon Hopkins) and David Coulter (Yoko Ono, Kronos Quartet, The Pogues, Gorillaz) have devised a brand new live re-interpretation of this breathtaking work.

Discreet + Oblique aims to create an authentic recreation of Eno’s original concept, recreating Discreet Music’s shimmering, beautiful textures, while also suggesting new ways that it can develop musically.

A specially-assembled ensemble featuring Abrahams and Coulter with internationally celebrated experimental jazz trio The Necks, Los-Angeles-based Australian contemporary classical trio Golden Fur and electronic musician Matthew Brown on EMS synthesiser and Eno’s ‘Frippertronic’ tape looping system, will summon a unique realisation of Discreet Music’s magical sound-world.

Eno’s original liner notes for Discreet Music described ‘a new way of hearing music – as part of the ambience of the environment, just as the colour of the light and the sound of the rain were parts of that ambience’. This concert performance – incorporating various visual and sonic surprises – aims to pay tribute to, and give new life to, that initial, incredibly fertile vision.

This performance is one of three Saturday evening performances to choose from in the Supersense Full Festival Pass or the Saturday Festival Pass.

Please note that Brian Eno is not performing.

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to 25 Jul


Teaching on this intensive Performance Summer School for Goldsmiths. Goldsmiths Palermo Summer Intensive in Performance Practices is designed to cultivate conditions for collaborative training and experimentation. I shall be exploring new methods of collaboration and scratch performance making.

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In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited
to 19 Mar

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

  • Elisabeth Murdoch Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A landmark tribute to the legendary filmmaker behind Twin Peaks and more, a stellar cast bring David Lynch’s hauntingly beautiful music to life.

Diving deep into the musical mind behind Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, In Dreams makes its Australian Premiere after London’s critically acclaimed Barbican Centre debut submerging audiences in the legendary filmmaker’s mystifying soundtracks and skewed pop songs with a stellar line-up of performers.

In what will be his only Melbourne performance, Polaris Prize-winning composer, violinist, keyboardist and vocalist Owen Pallett takes the stage with Australia’s own Sarah Blasko, Kirin J Callinan and renowned harpist Marshall McGuire. They join Mick Harvey (ex Bad Seeds), Sophia Brous (Brous), New York City based Cibo Matto and Irish chanteuse Camille O’Sullivan.

Ever since the dream-like synths of Angelo Baladamenti drew millions to tune in and wonder ‘who killed Laura Palmer?’, the Lynchian shorthand has seeped into pop culture ephemera as the filmmaker’s iconic versions of chart classics (Roy Orbison, David Bowie and Chris Isaak) and the sublime tones of Julee Cruise have taken a life of their own.

Oft-compared to the timeless partnerships between Leone and Morricone or Rota and Fellini, the disturbing beauty conjured by Lynch and Badalamenti can now be heard in the works of Trent Reznor and David Fincher, whilst Lynch himself has delved further into his own sonic universe with two solo albums and the recent reissue of Eraserhead on New York label Sacred Bones.

The brainchild of musical director David Coulter (Tom Waits’ Rain Dogs Revisited and Yoko Ono’s Double Fantasy Live), immerse yourself into the mood and atmosphere of Lynch’s universe, with landmark instrumental tracks and exciting new versions of songs from his films.

From the industrial wasteland to the log cabin and into the realm of dreams, audiences take a sonic journey through his singular reality as his soundtracks are brought to life in Elisabeth Murdoch Hall.

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In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited
12:30 pm12:30

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

A landmark tribute to the legendary filmmaker behind Twin Peaks and more, a stellar cast bring David Lynch’s hauntingly beautiful music to life.

Diving deep into the musical mind behind Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, In Dreams makes its Australian Premiere after London’s critically acclaimed Barbican Centre debut submerging audiences in the legendary filmmaker’s mystifying soundtracks and skewed pop songs with a stellar line-up of performers.

In what will be his only Melbourne performance, Polaris Prize-winning composer, violinist, keyboardist and vocalist Owen Pallett takes the stage with Australia’s own Sarah Blasko, Kirin J Callinan and renowned harpist Marshall McGuire. They join Mick Harvey (ex Bad Seeds), Sophia Brous (Brous), New York City based Cibo Matto and Irish chanteuse Camille O’Sullivan.

Ever since the dream-like synths of Angelo Baladamenti drew millions to tune in and wonder ‘who killed Laura Palmer?’, the Lynchian shorthand has seeped into pop culture ephemera as the filmmaker’s iconic versions of chart classics (Roy Orbison, David Bowie and Chris Isaak) and the sublime tones of Julee Cruise have taken a life of their own.

Oft-compared to the timeless partnerships between Leone and Morricone or Rota and Fellini, the disturbing beauty conjured by Lynch and Badalamenti can now be heard in the works of Trent Reznor and David Fincher, whilst Lynch himself has delved further into his own sonic universe with two solo albums and the recent reissue of Eraserhead on New York label Sacred Bones.

The brainchild of musical director David Coulter (Tom Waits’ Rain Dogs Revisited and Yoko Ono’s Double Fantasy Live), immerse yourself into the mood and atmosphere of Lynch’s universe, with landmark instrumental tracks and exciting new versions of songs from his films.

From the industrial wasteland to the log cabin and into the realm of dreams, audiences take a sonic journey through his singular reality as his soundtracks are brought to life in Elisabeth Murdoch Hall.

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In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited
1:00 pm13:00

In Dreams: David Lynch Revisited

AUSTRALIAN PREMIERE - In a landmark tribute to the legendary filmmaker behind Twin Peaks and more, a stellar cast bring David Lynch’s hauntingly beautiful music to life.


The brainchild of Musical Director David Coulter (Tom WaitsRain Dogs Revisited and Yoko Ono's Double Fantasy Live), immerse yourself into the mood and atmosphere of Lynch’s universe, with landmark instrumental tracks and exciting new versions of songs from his films. From the industrial wasteland to the log cabin and into the realm of dreams, audiences will take a sonic journey through his singular reality as his soundtracks are brought to life on the Concert Hall stage.

Diving deep into the musical mind behind Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet and Eraserhead, In Dreams makes its Australian Premiere in an exclusive Sydney performance straight from London’s critically acclaimed Barbican Centre debut – submerging audiences in the legendary filmmaker's mystifying soundtracks and skewed pop songs performed by a line-up including Australia’s own Sarah Blasko, Kirin J. CallinanMick Harvey (ex-Bad Seeds), Marshall McGuire and Sophia Brous (Brous), New York City-based Cibo Matto, Irish-chanteuse Camille O’Sullivan and Canadian indie auteur Owen Pallet.

Ever since the dream-like synths of Angelo Badalamenti drew millions to tune in and wonder 'who killed Laura Palmer?', the Lynchian shorthand has seeped into pop culture ephemera as the filmmaker's iconic versions of chart classics (Roy Orbison, David Bowie Chris Isaak) and the sublime tones of Julee Cruise have taken a life of their own. Oft-compared to the timeless partnerships between Leone and Morricone or Rota and Fellini, the disturbing beauty conjured by Lynch and Badalamenti can now be heard in the works of Trent Reznor and David Fincher, whilst Lynch himself has delved further into his own sonic universe with two solo albums and the recent reissue of Eraserhead on New York label Sacred Bones.


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12:00 pm12:00


Elders. Who are they?

We know them from stories: the toothless old cowboy, the crone with her potions, the grandfather who can relate to tearaway teenagers and the former ballerina who knows the price that must be paid.

Elders in stories know that their days of finding the cure / treasure / true love are over but they help the hero or heroine by being wise, older... and by just being there.

But in 21st-century Britain, Elders have nothing to offer us, do they?

Improbable, led by Artistic Directors Phelim McDermott and Lee Simpson, have set out to re-imagine the role of Eldership for a society that seems to think that Elder means elderly and elderly means that you're not much use to anyone.

The company's curiosity has taken them to some surprising places, including improvisation, puppetry, pyrotechnic spectacle, grand guignol and opera, but their focus is always on theatre as a living and live event unfolding in the moment.

The Eldership Project is an intimate work in progress; a piece in search of the lost path to Eldership: part installation, part performance and part conversation.

If you have any access requirements for this performance please contact the Ticket Office when booking.

A Southbank Centre Commission

Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 February

Wednesday, 5pm, 6.30pm & 8pm
Thursday, 1pm, 2.30pm, 5pm, 6.30pm & 8pm

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12:00 pm12:00


Elders. Who are they?

We know them from stories: the toothless old cowboy, the crone with her potions, the grandfather who can relate to tearaway teenagers and the former ballerina who knows the price that must be paid.

Elders in stories know that their days of finding the cure / treasure / true love are over but they help the hero or heroine by being wise, older... and by just being there.

But in 21st-century Britain, Elders have nothing to offer us, do they?

Improbable, led by Artistic Directors Phelim McDermott and Lee Simpson, have set out to re-imagine the role of Eldership for a society that seems to think that Elder means elderly and elderly means that you're not much use to anyone.

The company's curiosity has taken them to some surprising places, including improvisation, puppetry, pyrotechnic spectacle, grand guignol and opera, but their focus is always on theatre as a living and live event unfolding in the moment.

The Eldership Project is an intimate work in progress; a piece in search of the lost path to Eldership: part installation, part performance and part conversation.

If you have any access requirements for this performance please contact the Ticket Office when booking.

A Southbank Centre Commission

Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 February

Wednesday, 5pm, 6.30pm & 8pm
Thursday, 1pm, 2.30pm, 5pm, 6.30pm & 8pm

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Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter
1:30 pm13:30

Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter

The evening finishes with a powerful performance by vocalist and performer Sophia Brous,  with special guests Leo Abrahams and multi-instrumentalist David Coulter. Part of Bankstown: Live. A new commission exploring the melodies and multi-layered meaning of lullabies, drawn from migrant families in Bankstown.

Bookings: http://sa2.seatadvisor.com/sabo/servlets/EventSearch?&presenter=AUUTP

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Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter
1:30 pm13:30

Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter

The evening finishes with a powerful performance by vocalist and performer Sophia Brous,  with special guests Leo Abrahams and multi-instrumentalist David Coulter. Part of Bankstown: Live. A new commission exploring the melodies and multi-layered meaning of lullabies, drawn from migrant families in Bankstown.

Bookings: http://sa2.seatadvisor.com/sabo/servlets/EventSearch?&presenter=AUUTP

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Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter
1:30 pm13:30

Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter

The evening finishes with a powerful performance by vocalist and performer Sophia Brous,  with special guests Leo Abrahams and multi-instrumentalist David Coulter. Part of Bankstown: Live. A new commission exploring the melodies and multi-layered meaning of lullabies, drawn from migrant families in Bankstown.

Bookings: http://sa2.seatadvisor.com/sabo/servlets/EventSearch?&presenter=AUUTP

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Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter
1:30 pm13:30

Lullaby Movement with Sophia Brous, Leo Abrahams + David Coulter

The evening finishes with a powerful performance by vocalist and performer Sophia Brous,  with special guests Leo Abrahams and multi-instrumentalist David Coulter. Part of Bankstown: Live. A new commission exploring the melodies and multi-layered meaning of lullabies, drawn from migrant families in Bankstown.

Bookings: http://sa2.seatadvisor.com/sabo/servlets/EventSearch?&presenter=AUUTP

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Sense Of Sound: Migration Music
to 29 Aug

Sense Of Sound: Migration Music

David Coulter is Music Director on this newly commissioned work MIGRATION MUSIC with Sense of Sound and Shlomo for the Liverpool International Music Festival on 28 + 29 August 2014 at the Liverpool Everyman Theatre.


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